Monday, October 24, 2005

Traumatised by the GIT pic..can't think of a title

Hey there guys..

Firstly sorry for not posting up anything for an extremely loong time...!! The internet in my house is really slow (cos all 4 of us are heavy downloaders) and it's always not working on Sundays (without fail man). I can't believe that Lame O actually posted up a picture of the GIT in our's already bad enough that the AS (alimentary syst.) classes that I attend are soo boring..but yeah .. I do agree that we've prob run out of topics to chat about cos most of our blogs usually come out after outings/special events etc..

Anyway..June ...How are you?!!! Update us about your back seems really bad man...but i suppose there's nothing much you can do about it since NHS sucks in general...if it gets really bad why don't you just go and see a private doc? It's better than torturing yourself!!!
It really sucks to get sick here in UK...i think it's better to just self-medicate time you actually get to see the GP you're either cured or dead..I'm down with a cough and flu also.. have just been taking daily doses of flu medicine and strepsils..Don't see the possibility of getting well any sooner since everybody in the lecture theatre seems to be coughing n blowing their noses left right centre...stress nya...

I'm proud to announce that I've learnt how to use the oven on saturday!! The embarassing bit is that my 2 (male) housemates taught me how to use it..and i nearly set off the fire alarm :P
I also know how to boil pasta and cook rice..haha! So, as you can see..I haven't really been cooking..I usually do the washing up instead..but living outside of halls has been fun (so far anyway)... can eat anything that i anytime...not to mention that we bought a choc fondue we've been having Choc Fondue Nite once a week :P I still hate grocery shopping and carrying groceries back home (okay..I take the bus back) nothing much has changed so far ..
Oh yeah...i forgot to tell you guys that i got a TV for my birthday!! Am gonna apply for cable TV soon..can't stand normal british's so bloody boring..full of soap operas , weird gameshows and lame reality tv shows..

Alright guys...gotta head off to class now ...hope to hear from you guys soon!

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