Monday, July 24, 2006

Tay Li June is my hero

When I grow up, I wanna be just like her. If you don't call hanging out in an unknown place alone for 3 days heroic, then you don't deserve to be reading this post on how my hero Tay Li June lived the life of a solitude backpacker somewhere along the coast of Mikilikonjaro Island (loosely translated as Kota Kinabalu. yes la lame la. KK just sounds too normal and developed. Which would make people think less of my hero Tay Li June. So you see, I had to change its name.).

I get the feeling TLJ is partying in Kuching even as I type this, with tribesmen whom she befriended during her recent foray into one of the many lush, green Sarawakian forests, no less. Not content with swimming with the sharks and starfishes in our very own Pulau Perhentian just last week, she just had to broaden her horizons by climbing Sabah's Mount Kinabalu, descending with a newfound passion to mingle with others who shared the same passion as herself - hanging out in unknown places alone.

I have decided to stop expecting the date of TLJ's return to her homeland, KL as I know it will only be met with an sms saying that she has found a new species of dodo bird (which are supposed to be extinct.That's my hero TLJ for you.) that she absolutely must conduct a thorough research on, the pursuit of which will cause her to be incommunicado with the rest of the civilised world for as long as it takes for her to discover the prehistoric origins of said dodo bird. Or something along those lines.

To my hero TLJ, I only have this to say to you:

Please come home soon because I want to go to Singapore.

ps. if nobody posts anything within the next one week I will continue to produce posts of this calibre regularly until someone does so don't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

rawr said... have no shame... you have also proven how much of a bimbo you are..hahhahaa..ah least there's something new to read on our bloggie