Saturday, August 20, 2005

Long overdue post

Hey guys!

Yes...I'm finally writing in to this bloggie after much nagging from you guys...! :P

The outing at 1U was super fun! We had yummy food (yeah...the stuffed mushrooms rocks..and the feta cheese was super potent!) and talked , talked ,talked...with interesting topics of conversation ranging from a certain person's first 'kiss' to auntie chuen's wedding ang pow...and also we had lame jokes thrown in as always lah.
Oooh...and the outing to TOY R US was fun lah cos Lame-O (yeah nana..i think that should be CH's new name) was searching for WMDs n he seemed more fascinated by the LED lights on the WMD than the WMD itself..and auntie...'gliding' on her skateboard (right in front of a security camera)! Haah ...I think the guy handling the bikes probably thought you were a weirdo. I most absolutely refuse to show my skateboarding skills cos i prefer to remain modest and not show it off like auntie..muahaha..
Oh yeah..anyone still up to the challenge to dress up as the pink 'goat' with one horn? <---nana's sad description of a unicorn :P
I'm glad that u had a great time yesterday auntie and u were back to your usual lame self!

I started getting cold feet yesterday..not in the marriage sense lah. It was about having to leave M'sia in Sept to set up home and I started imagining having to cook, wash up, clean the TOILET..gah!! I swear that the conversation about it at Italianni's is the source of this.I started panicking a bit cos my cooking skills aren't exactly fantastic and i hate the hard water in UK etc etc. I was wondering what I was getting myself into the whole night and then it hit me today that the no. 1 reason that I'm moving outta my catered hall is due to the crazy fire alarms that I experienced. Eg : the final term- which consisted of five weeks our hall had 30 alarms! And the last 2 were horrible cos it happened on the 2nd last day of term where we had some arsonist wannabe set fire to 2 pantries and this forced all the residents of my hall out.. first at 3.15am then at 4am .. we had to wait outside till 5am for the police to come..urgh...and we also got scolded by the hall warden who didn't seem amused to be woken up so early. So there, I am clearly traumatised by the fire alarms and although i do not look forward to cooking I think I'll bear with it for the moment...then decide next summer which is more traumatising :P

I think we should plan a night out to Mambo Jumbo (or Ladies Night perhaps? - since it's cheaper for us girls) ..and make sure that Lame-O dresses appropriately this time..
Btw... when would the pictures from the Sunway steamboat n sleepover be put up here? Too bad we can't put the videos up though..

Alright guys...have fun going back to IMU n all the drama there! (Actually...i think it's more like a telenovela...and it sure is pretty interesting !). I shall just continue with my usual daily activities (i.e. bumming) and i hope this is long enough to compensate for my absence!


1 comment:

-[nana]- said...

hey caroline....:) btw, i juz realised, its not feta...its gorgonzola!!! haah....hence the super potent part of it....:)