Thursday, September 01, 2005

June, you should be a BM tuition teacher

Oh my goodness Tay Li June, your BM is still so good considering you've been away for the past 1 year. Have you been practising BM behind our backs? Or worst, WRITING ESSAYS JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT??!! I don't think I could've written a whole blog in BM, even back then in high school! Darnit, now why didn't I think of starting a BM blog last time? Then maybe I wouldn't have done so super badly for SPM. heh. I have to say though, that my spoken BM has improved by leaps and bounds ever since I entered IMU, although there is still a very distinct cinapek accent that accompanies my every word.

So how was your road trip to Kuantan, June? Just curious, what was it that you guys were planning to do in Kuantan other than erm, ok I can't think of anything. What is there to do in Kuantan?!

Oh yeah, uncle and nana, about the geeko book club I was talking about, you guys can come visit it here. Alot of it is tongue-in-cheek but we're serious about contributing reviews. So serious that during dinner last night, we came up with a format which will be duly posted sometime soon so er, feel free to post book reviews, but read the ground rules first ok? heh.

Anyway, just wanted to post this to inject a little life back into our blog. Hope this does the trick :P. Gotta go now, take care you guys and tell me all about variety night!

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